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[gospel message] A worship with wrong thoughts and heart will lead you into wrong results.


Photo by Drew Murphy on Unsplash



A worship with wrong thoughts and heart will lead you into wrong results.

 For the Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit and body, healing the thoughts and attitudes of the heart that are wrong.
(Hebrews 4:12)

 Submit yourself to the Word of God and resist the devil who harms your neighbors and takes away from them, causing divisions with wrong thoughts and heart.
(James 4:7)

 Be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I am a person of the Holy Spirit, hired by the Holy Spirit.

If I am indeed hired by the Holy Spirit who lives, guides, and works within me, I no longer live as ‘myself.’

 I do not make excuses when I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I only do the work of the Holy Spirit before God alone.

 The evangelist Philip obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit who told him to enter the wilderness where it is filled with wild beasts, prowling with danger, and where there is no one passes through.

 He did not resist the guidance of the Holy Spirit who told him, "Go to that chariot of the Ethiopian official and stay near it."
(Acts 8:26-27)

 The blessings of the meek who do not consider a single encounter with strangers lightly and are considerate, understanding, and accepting of all people are only possible through the spiritual battle that engraves and enroots the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, which even transforms my personality.

 As Philip, who evangelized ‘only’ Jesus Christ alone to the official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, a descendant of Solomon and Queen Sheba, conquered Africa through the gospel.

 When I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and possess meekness which submits to the Word of God, 
I will enjoy monumental blessings which lead to diaspora mission through a single encounter.

 When I follow the path of Jesus, who came to evangelize today, tomorrow, and the day after, I will inherit the earth with the heart of Christ.
(Luke 13:33)














